在研究公路交通地理信息系统(GIS-T)建设现状的基础上,提出了基于GIS组件SuperMap Objects的公路工程地理信息平台。从公路工程规划、设计、建设和管理过程中所涉及的各种数据和资料及现实需求出发,探讨了平台系统总体结构、数据库设计和系统功能设计,研究了系统开发中数据的组织与动态分段等关键技术。以广东省公路工程地理信息平台为实例,介绍了系统的功能和应用,实践了文中提出的技术和方法。
On the research basis of current conditions of highway transportation geographical information system construction, a new geographical information platform is put forward for highway project based on SuperMap Objects,a robust GIS components. By investigating highway data and its sources in detail, such issues as system architecture, conceptual data models, physical data models and system functions of this platform are studied. Some key problems encountered in this project and its solutions are presented. The design and application of highway project GIS -T are discussed on the basis of a case study of Guangdong highway project geographical information platform. The feasibility of the technologies and methods are tested thorough the system.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology