
三江自然保护区普通鸬鹚繁殖期对筑巢树的选择 被引量:3

Nest Selection of Common Cormorant in Breeding Period in Sanjiang National Nature Reserve
摘要 2004年3—9月中旬,在乌苏里江马圈岛对普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)繁殖期的巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明:普通鸬鹚繁殖期筑巢树种以柳树为主,筑巢柳树胸径为(12.16±1.36)cm,非筑巢柳树的胸径为(7.61±0.51)cm,筑巢柳树树高为(6.79±0.13)m,非筑巢柳树树高为(4.77±0.08)m。差异显著性检验表明,普通鸬鹚巢址偏爱草本较矮、草本盖度较小(P<0.05)和距岸边(人类干扰)距离较远的环境(P<0.01)。 An experiment was conducted to study the nest selection of conlnlon cormorant in breeding period fronl March to mid-September of 2004 in Majuan Island, located at Haiqing town of Fuyuan County, Sanjiang National Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province. Result shows that the common cormorants mainly select willow trees for their nests in breeding season. The height and diameter at breast height of nesting willow trees and non-nesting trees are (12. 16 ± 1.36)cm, (7.61 ± 0.51 )cm and (6.79 ±0.13 )m, (4.77 ±0.08 )m, respectively. Significance test of difference indicates that common cormorant tends to prefer undisturbed sites with short vegetation swards at low coverage.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期61-62,68,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
关键词 普通鸬鹚 繁殖期 巢址 选择 Common cormorants Breeding period Nests Selection
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