
核电站设备涂装技术 被引量:4

Coating technology for nuclear power plant equipment
摘要 介绍了核电站涂层的防护要求。指出核电站涂层应按设备所处的区域、介质和温度等环境条件进行分类。从涂层材料选择、涂装工艺设计、涂装质量控制及检查和评估等方面阐述了核电站涂层管理要求。对核电站安全壳、辐射控制区和重要安全设备等专用涂层,以及汽机厂房、化学厂房、户外设备、海水设备、化学水设备和埋地设备等常规涂层涂料的选择和涂装过程控制等进行了讨论。 The coating protection requirement of nuclear power plant (NPP) was introduced. It is noted that the NPP coating should be classified according to the area where the equipment is located and the environment conditions of medium and temperature. The coating management require- ments of NPP were expounded in terms of coating's option, coating technics design, coating quality control and inspection and assessment, etc. The special coatings for NPP safety shell, radiation controlling area and important safe equipment, and the selection and coating control of common coatings for steam machine workshop, chemical workshop, outdoor equipment, seawater equipment, chemical water equipment and underground equipment etc, were discussed.
作者 张耀 乔梁
出处 《电镀与涂饰》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期55-57,共3页 Electroplating & Finishing
关键词 核电站 涂层 辐射防护 涂装 nuclear power plant coating radiation protection paint
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