
自然灾害风险可保性研究 被引量:11

The insurability of natural risks
摘要 保险是提高灾后恢复力的一个重要金融工具,但数据分析说明保险在灾后恢复中所起的作用相当有限,尤其是在发展中国家,我国自然灾害保险赔偿只占自然灾害总损失3%左右,这一现象背后的关键原因之一是自然灾害可保性研究的严重滞后。文章认为自然灾害风险特征与可保性风险特征存在相对统一的地方。我国在自然灾害保险产品设计方面应考虑如下因素:自然灾害分类因素、自然灾害单一事件的定义、自然灾害区划范围内的保险强制性、自然灾害的连锁性与多样性因素、单一保单免赔额规定和自然灾害单一事件巨灾损失基准点定义、费率因素、监管因素、国际性和标准性因素。 Insurance is an important financial vehicle to support recovery from disasters. But statistics show that insurance's role in disaster recovery is quite limited at the time being, especially in developing countries. In China, insurance compensation for natural disasters only accounts for 3% of the total natural disaster losses. The major reason for this is the laggard insurability research on natural disaster insurability. The characteristics of natural disasters are similar with those of insurable risks. Design of natural disaster insurance products in China should consider the following factors: categorization of natural disasters, definition of a single natural disaster event, mandatory insurance requirement for natural disaster zone, the Domino effect of natural disaster and its plurality, deductible for a single policy, benchmark for catastrophe losses for a single disaster event, premium rate, regulation, and international and standard factors.
作者 石兴
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期49-54,共6页 Insurance Studies
关键词 自然灾害风险 自然灾害保险 可保性 保险产品 natural disaster risks natural disaster insurance insurability insurance products
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