The present paper is aimed at introducing our study on how to reduce the loss of tritium effectively and to minimize the radioactive exposure, in the process of trace tritium recovery from the residue of liquid Li-Pb alloy. For this purpose, we have investigated the isotope exchange process for the trace recovery from the imitative residue of the alloy. Our study results indicate that the isotope exchange system we have developed is an effective way for such recovery practices with the best component of exchange carrier gas being He + 0.1% D2 and the optimal exchange temperatures and excfiange data being the main influential factors to the recovery efficiency. As the actual process shows, the trace tritium recovery efficiency is likely to increase with the rising of the exchange temperature and exchange amount. The highest tritium recovery efficiency can be made to reach 80% with the residue treated at 6 times at 823 K. In addition, we have also worked out a dynamic mathematical model for liquid metal recovery in the medium of gaseous atmosphere and the approximate mathematical equation of tritium residue in Li-Pb alloy on the basis of our experiments. Theoretical analysis of these data shows that the overall desorption process is likely to be governed by the diffusion of tritium atoms in the Li-Pb and by the heterogeneous reaction at the gas-eutectic interface of the tritium atoms recombination. Howeyer, for the time being, it remains impossible to deduce any kinetic parameters, such as the diffusion coefficient of tritium and the reaction rate of tritium on the alloy surface, for the tritium residence time involves a few other processes. Therefore, further investigations are needed to test the variables the amount and surface area of the sample may involve.
Journal of Safety and Environment
disposal technology of three radioactivity wastes
Li-Pb alloy
nuclear fusion reactor
tritium recovery
isotope exchange