
基于C4.5和Boosting算法的数据库负载自动识别 被引量:1

Automatic recognition of database load based on C4.5 and boosting algorithm
摘要 对数据库进行调整与优化时,负载的类型是要考虑的一个关键因素。不同的负载类型(联机事务处理OLTP和联机分析处理OLAP),意味着不同的资源分配策略。另外在系统运行中,负载的类型是经常变化的。把基于C4.5决策树算法和Bo- osting集成学习算法的分类模型用于数据库负载类型的自动识别中,实验结果表明,该分类模型是可行的,达到了令人满意的准确度以及关于负载识别的4个特殊要求。 The type of the load is a key consideration in tuning the database system. The strategies for resource allocation are different depending on whether it is online transactional processing (OLTP) or online analytical processing (OLAP), In addition, the type of load often changes during the normal processing cycle, A classification model based on C4.5 and boosting algorithm is proposed to auto- matically recognize the type of the load. The experimental results show that the classifiers are reliable, have satisfactory accuracy and meet the four special requirements for automatic recognition of database load.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期972-975,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 自管理数据库 自调优数据库 负载自动识别 C4.5算法 BOOSTING算法 分类模型 self-managed database self-tuning database automatic recognition of load C4.5 algorithm boosting algorithm classification model
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