
IT企业的成长与人力资本效应——基于扩展的内生增长模型与实证研究 被引量:4

The Growth of IT Firm and Effect of Human Capital:an Analysis from the View of New Growth Theory Model
摘要 基于IT企业成长的特点,本文将人力资本分为集约型人力资本与增量型人力资本,它们之间存在着相互转化。首次运用新增长理论,从人力资本单个维度和多个维度构建了IT企业成长的模型,并以我国IT上市公司为例开展了实证分析。分析结果表明:在满足一定条件下,人力资本及其溢出对促进IT企业保持持续增长发挥着关键性的作用;同时,IT企业的成长是企业技术创新能力、人力资本的集约性程度、网络外部性强度、生产资源量对产出的弹性系数等人力资本的多个维度因素共同博弈的结果,只有在它们之间建立好协调机制,IT企业的成长才能得到保证。 Based on the characteristic of growth of IT firm, this paper defines intensive human capital and incremental human capital and there exist transitional relation between them. By use of the new growth theory, we establish the growth model of IT firm based on one dimension and more dimensions of human capital, and makes econometric analysis of listing IT enterprises of our country. The results indicate that IT enterprise's growth is the mutual game result of technology innovation and spillover, intensive degree of human capital, networks externality and contribution degree of productive resource to production, and IT enterprise's growth can be assured only if the corresponding game mechanism is established among them.
作者 陶长琪 徐晔
机构地区 江西财经大学
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期114-125,共12页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金(70663002) 国家社科基金(07BJY140) 江西省教育厅人文社科重点研究基地项目(05cygz02)的部分成果
关键词 IT企业 成长 人力资本 IT Enterprise Growth Human Capital
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