
透视义务教育学校乱收费——政府治理与家庭选择的矛盾 被引量:1

Focus on Unlawful Charges by Compulsory Education Schools—The Curing Course of Government and Choices of Families
摘要 义务教育阶段,政府、学校与家庭在教育收费上存在着矛盾:一方面是政府积极采取治理和修正措施,三令五申禁止教育乱收费,为学生减负为老百姓减压;另一方面是家长口头上高呼"严厉整治教育乱收费"与实际行动上助长乱收费相背离。作为教育收费的直接体——学校,在社会的声讨背后也存在隐情。就学校的收费动机来看,一则是制度性的,二则是逐利性的。前者如政府摊派,或者学校为正常运作与发展而收取的费用,后者如学校不规范的收费行为,用以解决结构性工资的补贴部分。而就家庭对子女教育的投资来看,家长在情绪上抵制学校各类教育收费,却在行动上为子女缴纳各种培训班费用,当发现校外的培训费用远高于校内时又转而要求学校重新开办各类辅导班,使学校无所适从。加上国家为促进教育公平而对教育乱收费采取的各种治理措施,更使学校有苦难言。通过梳理1986年以来,中央和地方政府在治理义务教育乱收费问题上颁布的一系列法律法规,及其采取的相应治理措施,剖析政府、学校与家庭在教育收费问题上的矛盾,会对我国的"义务教育乱收费"有更客观、理性的认识。 During the stage of Compulsory Education, the government, schools and families have contradictions on charges of education: on one hand, the government will actively take corrective measures to reduce the burden for families and students; On the other hand, parents are verbally shouting "Rectification unlawful charges by compulsory education", but at the same time, they are taking action to support it. Schools-As the direct main body of charging Education fees -have their own hidden reasons. Motivation comes with regard to the school charging, firstly being to systems, secondly being to chase interest rate. The former is sometimes operated by government apporfion, the latter in solving the structure salary allowance part if schools do not standardize charge. While on the family investment in education for their children, parents in emotional boycott school fees of all types, but in action they pay various types of training fees, when finding the training outside schools costs much higher than inside, they turn back to require schools to offer all types of trainings, making school be at a loss and don't know what to do. Besides, curing courses are held by government, so that schools are suffering more. Based on related governance obligations since 1986, this paper analyses the contradictions of the government, schools and families, in order to put a more objective and rational knowledge for people to realize the "Unlawful charges by compulsory education" in our country.
作者 秦琴
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期76-82,共7页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 教育经济学 义务教育 教育乱收费 治理历程 education economics compulsory education unlawful charges by compulsory education curing course
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