
从英汉方位动词的异同看母语迁移在英语方位动词习得中的作用 被引量:8

Exploring the Role of Native Language Transfer in the Acquisition of English Locative Verbs
摘要 关于母语迁移在二语习得中的作用一直存在着争论,随着语言学和认知科学的发展,研究者对母语迁移有了更加理性的认识。母语不再被片面地认为是阻碍二语习得的罪魁祸首,它对二语习得过程产生的积极作用得到了广泛的肯定。那么,母语在学习者习得英语方位动词的过程中有没有作用?如果有,又有着怎样的作用呢?本文将就Juffs(1996)所进行的英汉方位动词对比研究进行详细阐述,并基于Juffs(1996)和我们最近一项实证研究的分析探讨母语迁移在英语方位动词习得中的重要作用。 The role of native language transfer in second language acquisition has been an issue of debate for a long time. Recently, researchers start to take a more rational view towards native language transfer with the development of linguistics and cognitive science. LI is no longer recognized as the chief obstacle to the acquisition of a new language. The positive effect of LI on second language acquisition process has been widely recognized. An interesting question here is whether or not native language transfer occurs in the L2 learners' acquisition of English locative verbs. If it does, how does it exert its influence? This paper will first give a detailed discussion of Juffs'(1996) comparative analysis of English and Chinese locative verbs and then it will discuss the role of native language transfer in the acquisition of English locative verbs by analyzing the research findings obtained in Juffs (1996) and one of our recent empirical studies in this field.
作者 李红 张磊
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2008年第1期60-63,共4页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 方位动词 广域规则 狭域规则 母语迁移 locative verbs broad-range rules narrow-range rules native language transfer
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