Marx reveals the exploitation problem lying in the course of gaining profit with capital. To deal with the "Ricardo contradiction", he raises the theory of surplus value by assuming that value is changed into production price and is formed by averaging different profit rates. In his opinion, the production price is derived from value, which includes the factor of exploitation; the essence of exploitation is the distribution of surplus value, while the surplus value exists in the form of monopolized distribution in the enterprises and is competitive among sectors. He wants to, from the relation between value and production cost and between surplus value and average profit, reveal the formation of surplus value from micro aspect and deduce that production cost lies on the total amount of surplus value from macro aspect, that is, that lying on the surplus value has direct relation with the total amount of surplus value; labor cost is the core of floatation of price. Could the production price got from average profit rate be the same with that got from ratio of c/v?
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
value transformation problem
exploitation theory
average profit rate
ratio of c/v
production price
"Sraffa demonstration "