The main purpose of this paper is to use the properties of the Gauss sums, primitive characters and the mean value of Dirichlet L-functions to study the hybrid mean value of the error term E(n, l, c, q) and the hyper-Kloosterman sums K(h,n+1,q), the asymptotic property of the mean square value ∑^p c=1 E^2(n, 1, c, p), and give two interesting mean value formulae.
The main purpose of this paper is to use the properties of the Gauss sums, primitive characters and the mean value of Dirichlet L-functions to study the hybrid mean value of the error term E(n, l, c, q) and the hyper-Kloosterman sums K(h,n+1,q), the asymptotic property of the mean square value ∑^p c=1 E^2(n, 1, c, p), and give two interesting mean value formulae.
the N.S.F.(10271093,60472068) and P.N.S.F of P.R.China