

Sensory memory processing for color integration
摘要 目的:对于颜色的整合,至今无法知道究竟是在哪里完成的,甚至至今也没有一种有效的方法来开展研究,为此,尝试运用了一种新的微秒级高精度刺激显示技术,通过被试对同时或以一足够短的时间间隔先后在计算机屏幕上呈现的红、绿图案的观察实验,探讨颜色整合与感觉记忆的相关性。方法:实验于2007-03-10在中南民族大学脑认知科学研究室完成。选择5名中南民族大学硕士研究生作为受试者,均视力正常或矫正视力正常,自愿参加实验。在第一个实验中,刺激是先后呈现相等时间间隔的红绿图形,要求被试观察自己看到何种颜色。在第二个实验中,刺激是先后呈现图片中左右两侧的不同颜色的图形,要求待被试透过隔板双眼融合时报告融合色。结果:①实验一结果:当两幅图片的时间间隔为0~16帧(80ms内),两幅图形可以融合成稳定的颜色;时间间隔在16帧以上时,呈现了2幅独立的图形。②实验二结果:通过刺激物先后呈现在注视点左右的两幅图片,不能融合为稳定的颜色,呈现的像为瞬态的。结论:①颜色通过对照大脑三个记忆系统对信息的维持时间,确定红绿颜色融合成黄色是在感觉记忆中实现的。②颜色整合发生在双眼驱动细胞之前。③颜色在感觉记忆上整合。 AIM: People have not yet known where does color integrate, even don't have any effective research technique. Through the observation of the tests to the red and green pictures that show in the computer monitor at the same time or in very short time periods, this study investigates the correlation between color integration and sensory memory by adopting a micro-cognitive-process method. METHODS: This experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Brain Cognition, South-Central University For Nationalities on 10th March 2007. Five healthy graduate students were selected from this university, and they participated in the experiment voluntarily with normal or corrected sight. In the first experiment, the stimuli were the red or green figures early and late appearing in the equal period. Observers were required to report which kind of color they saw. In the second experiment, the stimuli were the different color of figures in the different pictures. Observers were required to report fusion color through the partition. RESULTS: ①First experiment: Fusion color could be obtained when the time interval of two pictures was 0-16 frames (80 ms); Two independent figures could appear if the interval was more than 16 frames.②Second experiment: Two pictures presented on the left or right of focus point through stimuli, can not integrate a stable color, appearing transience. CONCLUSION: ①By comparing 3 memory systems on how long does the information support, it is proved that yellow color integration of red and green produces in the sensory memory.②Color integration produces prior to binocularly-activated cortical cell.③Color integration produces in the sensory memory.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期687-689,共3页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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