染成黄绿色的头发一根一根地树立着,然而一身中规中矩的西服却非常笔挺,他就是英孚教育(English First)中国区总裁比尔·费舍尔(Bill Fisher)。比尔长相酷似北欧人,但却是地地道道的美国人。比尔认为他对英孚的管理之道跟他的穿着打扮非常类似——中规中矩中坚持独立个性……
Bill Fisher is president of greater China of EF(English First).He looks like an European,but in fact he is an American. He said his management philosophy was very similar with his clothing tastes:acting in accordance with the rules and outspreading personality. He always treated his work with enthusiasm and enjoyed life with a positive and optimistic attitude.Bill always waved his arms and used various gestures during the conversation. Although he was not very skilled in China,he had been booked eight Chinese courses on intemet.He was very confident in Chinese market,he said Chinese market would overtake the United States to become the world's largest market of EF after five years.
Contemporary Manager