目的:探讨跳跃型/突变型基线振幅的临床意义。方法:回顾分析389份胎心监护资料。结果:早产与足月产、孕妇Hb<100 g/L与≥100 g/L、脐带缠绕或过短与脐带正常分别比较,跳跃型/突变型基线振幅比例一致;第二产程与第一产程比较,第二产程与第一产程潜伏期、活跃期比较,羊水过少与羊水量正常、球拍状胎盘与正常胎盘比较,跳跃型/突变型基线振幅比例增加;跳跃型/突变型基线振幅CST阳性率高,羊水Ⅲ度污染率高。结论:跳跃型/突变型基线振幅是胎盘功能不全的表现之一。
Objective. To discuss the clinical value of saltatory fetal heart rate pattem. Methods: 389 fetal heart rate patterns were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Saltatory fetal heart rate pattem accounts for 4.6% of all 389 patterns and 6.9% of 130 contraction stress tests. The rate of saltatory fetal heart rate is similar in cases between preterm and term labor, Hb 〈 100g/L and ≥ 100g/L, short or entangled umbilical cord and normal umbilical cord. The rate is higher in the second stage of labor than in first stage of labor, higher in oligohydramnios than in normal volume of amniotic fluid, higher in facet- like placenta than in normal shaped placenta. In cases with saltatory fetal heart rate, the rate of CST positive and the third degree of stained amniotic fluid is higher than that of those with normal baseline oscillation. Conclusion:The saltatory fetal heart rate pattem is one of the indicators of insufficient function of placenta.
Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology