
雄激素受体基因CAG多态性对男性激素避孕有效性影响的研究 被引量:1

Effect of (CAG)n Polymorphism of Androgen Receptor Gene on Hormonal Male Contraception
摘要 目的:分析应用肌注十一酸睾酮酯(TU)进行激素避孕的男性志愿者中起反应者与不起反应者雄激素受体(AR)基因(CAG)n微卫星多态性,并探讨该多态性对激素避孕效果的影响。方法:29例TU不起反应者和34例起反应者分别作为试验组和对照组,应用PCR和DNA测序技术对两组外周血标本进行CAG重复数测定,分析该微卫星多态性对激素避孕效果的影响。结果:试验组和对照组CAG重复数的均数分别为23.62和22.97,均数比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。短组CAG(n≤22)在试验组和对照组的分布分别为51.7%、50.0%;长组CAG(n>22)在试验组和对照组分布分别为48.3%、50.0%,长短组分布相同。CAG重复数与精子密度之间未见相关性。在FSH浓度>0.2IU/L组中,CAG重复数>22的受试者达到无精子症的机会是其他受试者的1.5倍。结论:受试者AR基因(CAG)n重复数呈多态性,但不反应组与反应组之间不具有显著性差异,AR基因CAG重复数或其他因素与男性激素避孕效果之间的关系有待进一步探讨。 Objective: To study (CAG) n polymorphism of the androgen receptor (AR) gene in responders and non-responders of male volunteers who received testosterone undecanoate intramuscular injection for contraception and to explore the effect of the polymorphism on hormonal male contraception. Methods: Twenty-nine non-responders and 34 responders were enrolled in this study as a test and a control group respectively. The numbers of CAG sequence repeats were determined by PCR and DNA sequencing, and the effect of (CAG) n polymorphism on hormonal male contraception was analyzed. Results: The means of CAG repeats of the test and the control group were 23.62 and 22.97, with no significant difference in between ( P 〉 0. 05 ). The short CAG repeats ( n ≤ 22) constituted 51.7% in the test group and 50% in the control, while the long ones (n 〉22) accounted for 48.3% and 50%, respectively. The short and the long group had a similar distribution. No association was found between CAG repeats and sperm concentration. With FSH 〉 0. 2 IU/L, the probability of azoospermia in the long CAG repeat group was 1.5 times that of the short one. Conclusion : CAG repeats in the AR gene presented polymorphism in the subjects, with no significant difference between the respenders and non-responders. Further investigation has yet to be performed into the relationship of hormonal male contraception with CAG repeats or other factots. Natl J Androl, 2008, 14(2 ) : 126-130
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期126-130,共5页 National Journal of Andrology
基金 世界卫生组织合作课题(A05233)
关键词 激素避孕 雄激素受体基因 CAG重复序列 基因多态性 hormonal male contraception androgen receptor gene (CAG)n sequence repeat genetic polymorphism
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