
日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)触角腺的超微结构

Studies on ultrastructures of the antennal gland in Macrobrachium nipponense
摘要 利用透射电镜对日本沼虾触角腺的体腔囊、迷路、原肾管和膀胱的超微结构进行了研究.体腔囊由足细胞和内皮细胞组成,其中足细胞的三级足状突起分支细而多,并密布于裂隙膜上,足细胞及其足状突起之间可见隔壁连接,内皮细胞与开放式血腔相临、沿基底膜有许多窗孔.迷路细胞游离端具长而发达的微绒毛,基底及两侧质膜内陷发达,并具丰富的长杆状线粒体.原肾管细胞的微绒毛短少而零乱,基底及两侧质膜内陷更为发达,原肾管细胞之间存在有中间连接和隔壁连接.研究结果证实:日本沼虾触角腺的体腔囊、迷路和原肾管的超微结构与哺乳动物肾单位的肾小球、近曲小管和远曲小管的超微结构相似,具有肾单位一样的生理功能,而膀胱扁平细胞还兼有肾脏收集管的功能. The ultrastructures of coelomosac, labyrinth, nephridial canal and bladder in the antennal gland of Macrobrachium nipponense were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The coelomosac consists of podocytes and endotheliocytes. Podocytes possess a series of interdigitating "foot" structures ( namely podocytic processes ) along the slit membrane, and septate junctions are present here. Endotheliocytes, with many pores along the basal lamina, are adjacent to open blood space. The labyrinth cells possess long and well-developed microvilli in the apice and developed basal and lateral plasmalemmal invaginations with many long-shaft mitochondria inside. In nephridial canal cells, the microvilli are short, unorderly and small in quantity, but the basal and lateral plasmalemmal invaginations are more developed than those of labyrinth cells. Additionally, both intermediate junctions and septate junctions appear between adjacent nephridial canal cells. The examining results proved the conclusion that the ultrastructural morphologies of coelomosac, labyrinth and nephridial canal in M. nipponense are similar to those of glomerulus, proximal tubule and distal tubule in the mammalian nephron, respectively, which suggests that the antennal gland possess the same function as mammalian nephron. In addition, the bladder plays a role resembling the collecting duct in the mammalian kidney.
出处 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期215-222,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)
基金 浙江省九五重点资助项目(961102205)
关键词 日本沼虾 触角腺 超微结构 体腔囊 迷路 原肾管 膀胱 Macrobrachium nipponense antennal gland ultrastructure coelomosac labyrinth, nephridial canal bladder
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