
小企业银行贷款中完善契约监管的分析 被引量:1

On Improving Contractual Supervision for Bank Loans to Small Businesses
摘要 中国小企业外部融资渠道主要是银行贷款,落实贷款契约式监管是解决小企业融资难的有效途径。通过企业的自我检查和银行的指导督促,加强贷后管理和监督,同时通过银行内部落实信贷人员贷款责任书,加大契约式监管落实力度,完善契约式监管制度以确保贷款契约可信度,降低双方借贷与还贷风险,保证双方未来收益,进一步改善小企业贷款环境。 Bank loans are the main external channel of financing for small businesses in China, and implementing contractual supervision for loans is an effective means to alleviate their difficulty in getting finance. Post - loan management and supervision should be strengthened through self- examination by the firms and advice and supervision on the part of banks, and within banks, a responsibility contract should be signed with the loan officer to implement contractual supervision and add to the credibility of the loan contracts, so as to reduce risks for both parties, safeguard future revenue for them, and further improve loan climate for small businesses.
作者 张旭旭
出处 《贵州财经学院学报》 CSSCI 2008年第1期43-46,共4页 Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics
关键词 小企业 银行贷款契约 契约式监管 small business bank loan contract contractual supervision
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