

The problems of medical ethics in army hospitals under the new circumstances and their solutions
摘要 新形势下,军队医院职业道德建设面临着许多新情况和问题,究其原因:一是市场经济发展中的消极影响反映到军队医院,使人们的传统职业道德观受到冲击;二是国防卫生事业经费投入不足,使得医院在“确保”上难度加大。三是收治地方病人范围的不断扩大,使得有的医院任务过重,医患矛盾时有发生。四是“中心”工作与“首位”任务摆位不正,使得思想政治教育力量单薄。相应的对策:必须从讲政治的高度深化对为部队服务工作的认识,确立军队医院职业道德建设的高起点;必须“以伤病员为中心”深化军队医院改革,实现医疗服务保障坚强有力的总要求;必须抓住组织领导和思想教育关键环节,建设一支又红又专的科技干部队伍。 Under the new circumstances, the medical ethics construction of army hospitals is facing many problems. The first one is that negative socisl influences inevitably make their way into army hospitals, weakening the traditional concept of medical ethics. The second is that there is a shortage of defense money on medicine and health, which makes army hospital difficult to keep their otherwise honest image intact. The third is that too many civilian patients are admitted that doctor patient conflicts often crop up, which corrupts the ethical environment of army hospitals. The fourth is that the “central” task and the “foremost” one are sometimes misplaced, weakening the leading position of ideological education and harming the ordinary carrying out of medical ethics. The solutions lie in: that a view on serving the military must be set on a political height so that a high standard of medical ethics may be firmly established; that a deepening of army hospital reform must center around serving the sick and wounded, carrying out the general requirements of medical service security; and that the key links of organizing leadership and ideological education must be tightly grasped to build a red and expert cintingent of medical specialists.
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 1997年第11期659-661,670,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
关键词 职业道德 军队医院 医院 Medical ethics Hospital, Army Solutions
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