
一种指定接收人的代理盲签名方案 被引量:1

A designated-verifier proxy blind signature scheme
摘要 基于two-party Schnorr签名方案,提出一种指定接收人的代理盲签名方案。在代理授权的过程中,原始签名人和代理签名人通过two-party Schnorr签名方案产生用于代理签名的密钥;在代理签名过程中,签名请求者先用RSA算法加密消息,然后使用指定接收人的签名方案获得相应的代理盲签名。该方案中,只有指定接收者才可以恢复消息、验证签名的合法性,通过执行交互的零知识证明,指定接收人可以向第3方证实签名的有效性。安全性分析表明,该方案不仅满足代理盲签名方案的基本安全要求,而且间接地起到了对代理签名人的代理签名的监督作用,防止代理签名人滥用他们的代理签名权。与其他方案相比,该方案具有成本低、计算速度快等优点。 Based on the two-party Schnorr signature, a new designated-verifier proxy blind signature scheme was proposed. In delegation authorization, the original signer and proxy signer generate proxy key pair through two-party Schnorr signature. In proxy signature generation, the applicant encrypts the message by RSA public-key cryptosystem and then gets its proxy blind signature by the nominative signature scheme. In this scheme, only the recipient can recover the message and verify the signature. Through perfonning a zero-knowledge protocol, the recipient can prove validity of signature to a third party. Security analysis results show that the proposed scheme not only meets the basic security requirements of proxy blind signature, but can also indirectly supervise the proxy signature and prevent the proxy signer from misusing the proxy signature rights. This scheme is less expensive and more efficient than others.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期162-165,共4页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60773013) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(07JJ5078)
关键词 代理签名 盲签名 指定接收人签名 proxy signature blind signature designated-verifier signature
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