
异种肾移植的免疫适应机制研究 被引量:1

The study of immunology accommodation mechanism in xeno-renal transplantation
摘要 器官移植作为20世纪临床医学的重大成就之一,已成为治疗患终末期肾病患者的有效方法,迄今许多患者通过移植同种异体器官获得新生。然而同种组织与器官的供体数量短缺明显限制了临床移植术的广泛应用,为了解决供体组织与器官短缺问题,我们致力于建立一个异种肾移植猪-人模型,并探讨其中的免疫适应机制。 Organ transplantation is the most greatest achievements in the twenty's century at the clinlic medicine.It has already became an useful method that treated the renal disease of the terminal stage.So far,There are many patients have obtained new life by transplanted allografe.But the donors of homogeneity tissue and organ have been deficiency,and it has been restricted the widespread applications obviously that clinlic transplantation.In order to solve the problem,we are striving to build an pig-people model of xeno-renal transplantation.Meanwhile,and studying the immunology accommodation mechanism about that.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2008年第1期152-153,共2页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 异种肾移植 免疫适应机制 动物模型 排斥反应 Xeno-renal transplantation Immunology accommodation mechanism Animal model Rejection
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