
“卢德意象”正名的社会意蕴阐释 被引量:4

Rehabilitation of Negative Connotation of "Luddite Imagination" and its Social Implication
摘要 贬损的"卢德意象"是指"卢德"是保守、落伍、反对进步的代名词,甚至附有轻蔑、侮辱的情感色彩;贬损的"卢德意象"有一个形成过程;新卢德主义者从技术、政治、经济和文化心理等方面为"卢德运动"辩护,为贬损的"卢德意象"正名。新卢德主义正名"卢德意象"的社会意蕴在于:1)挑战功利主义社会进步观;2)慎重对待技术变迁引发的社会失业问题;3)重视技术变迁引发的文化冲突问题。新卢德主义正名"卢德意象"对于我国构建和谐社会具有重要的启示意义。 Connotation of 'Luddite Imagination' refers to concepts of 'Luddite Movement' and 'Luddites',which are seen as conservatives and behind the times.The negative connotation of 'Luddite Imagination' was changed from the political connotation to cultural connotation.Neo-Luddism identifies the rational advocacy in defense of the old Luddite Movement;There are deep-seated issues involved behind the rehabilitation of the negative connotation of 'Luddite Imagination';It has comparative implications on China's modernization process.
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期50-54,共5页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 辽宁省高等学校人文社科重点研究基地项目(J05009) 沈阳市科技计划项目(1063256-5-00)
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