
类比问题解决的理论及研究 被引量:16

Theoretical Issues in Analogical Problem Solution:A Survey
摘要 类比是人类获得知识和解决问题的强有力机制,在人类认知中起着基本和优势作用。研究者们在类比问题解决的作用方面达成了共识,但在类比问题解决的机制、类比问题解决的过程以及类比问题解决发展的动因和趋势上各执一词。在类比问题解决的机制方面,比较有影响的主要有结构映射理论、实用图式理论、样例理论和路径映射理论,它们各有利弊。对于类比问题解决的过程则涌现出了三阶段论、四阶段论和五阶段论等不同的答案。关于类比问题解决发展的动因,存在着三种不同的观点:能力限制说、知识经验限制说和综合说;而类比问题解决发展的趋势究竟是分阶段台阶式发展,还是直线前进,或者呈非线性发展,还有待于进一步的实验验证。 Analogy is thought to be a powerful mechanism for acquiring new knowledge and solving problems, and has a fundamental and priority function in human cognition. Researchers have managed to reach a commonplace in the function of analogical problem solution, but disagree in its mechanism, process, agent and developing trends. There are four main theories on the mechanism of analogical problem solution, namely, structure-- mapping theory, pragmatic schema theory, exemplar theory, and path--mapping theory, each having its own merits. As for the process, researchers have argued for three phases, four phases, or even five phases. As for the agent, there are three dominating theories, respectively focusing on the ability, knowledge and their reciprocity. The trends of the development are also discussed from a stage-- like perspective, whether linear or non--linear perspectives. All these issues need to be addressed in future empirical researches.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期50-56,共7页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 全国教育科学“十五”规划国家重点课题“素质教育中儿童青少年元认知发展和作用的心理机制及促进研究”(ABA050001) 河北师范大学科研基金项目(L2006B31)
关键词 类比问题解决 机制 过程 动因 趋势 analogical problem solution mechanism process agent trend
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