
复杂系统的因果观和方法论——一种复杂整体论 被引量:24

The Causal View and Methodology of Complex Systems——A Kind of Complex Holism
摘要 Holism and reductionism are the old and the long-term debated issues both in science and philosophy,and are also one of the core issues in the contemporary complexity science.This paper analyses the inter-level causal view of complex systems based on the results of the research in modern complexity sciences.It argues the need to go beyond causal reductionism,pointing out the limitations of the model of theoretical reduction in understanding and explaining the behaviors of complex systems,and the incompleteness of individualism in social scientific methodology while explaining the complex social organizational behaviors.It proposes a multi-level and multi-dimensional co-evolutionary ’complex holism’ which is compatible with and goes beyond Reductionism. Holism and reductionism are the old and the long-term debated issues both in science and philosophy,and are also one of the core issues in the contemporary complexity science.This paper analyses the inter-level causal view of complex systems based on the results of the research in modern complexity sciences.It argues the need to go beyond causal reductionism,pointing out the limitations of the model of theoretical reduction in understanding and explaining the behaviors of complex systems,and the incompleteness of individualism in social scientific methodology while explaining the complex social organizational behaviors.It proposes a multi-level and multi-dimensional co-evolutionary 'complex holism' which is compatible with and goes beyond Reductionism.
作者 范冬萍
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期90-97,共8页 Philosophical Research
基金 广东省哲学社会科学项目(编号05C-08)
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