在新加坡尼斯酒店集团(La Nice Hotels&Resorts)北京的办公室,《国际融资》杂志记者采访了该酒店集团董事局主席张志明先生。张先生是尼斯酒店集团的投资人,更是一位享有酒店管理最高荣誉——美国酒店业协会颁发的酒店行政管理师(CHA)的资深专家。当年,香港获此殊荣的仅有6位,而大陆却为空白。凭借他三十多年的酒店工作经验,他发现中国主题酒店诺大的发展空间可以让尼斯酒店在创意及管理上的造诣与优势发挥到极致,于是,他毅然决然地卖掉了公司在国外所有酒店管理项目,全力以赴发展在大陆的主题酒店管理项目。他很自信尼斯的创意可以让酒店投资升值。
Several days ago, our reporter interviewed Mr. Philip Cheung, Chairman of the Board of La Nice Hotels & Resorts, in his Beijing office. Mr. Zhang Zhiming is an investor of La Nice Hotels & Resorts, and he is a seasoned expert famous for his CHA qualification awarded by AH&LA, which was absent in China mainland then. Mr. Zhang found Theme Hotel has huge development space in China by right of his thirty-years experience of managing hotel. So Mr. Zhang disposed of all of his hotel managing project abroad decisively, and did his level best to work Theme Hotel in China mainland. He believes that the originality of La Nice will increase the value of hotel investing and the La Nice management will catch sustainable profit for Theme Hotel.
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