
Cu基块状非晶晶化过程的微观组织研究 被引量:1

Research on microstructure of Cu-based bulk metallic glass during crystallization
摘要 以Cu50Zr42Al8块状非晶合金为对象,在其玻璃转化温度(Tg)以下不同的温度(400、475和600K)进行保温1h等温退火处理,用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电子探针(EPMA)等对晶化过程的微观组织进行研究。结果表明:试样经475K退火后有少量的晶体相Cu10Zr7析出,600K退火试样的析出相同样仅为Cu10Zr7,该相的体积和数量有所增大。表明Cu50Zr42Al8块状非晶合金在Tg以下进行1h的等温退火处理后,试样可以发生晶化,并且析出相只有Cu10Zr7,其体积和数量随退火温度的升高而增大。 The Cu50Zr42Al8 bulk metallic glass(BMG) was isothermally annealed at temperature of 400,475 and 600K, which is lower than the glass transition temperature( Tg )for one hour, and X-ray diffraction(XRD) and electron microprobe analysis(EPMA) were used to study evolution of the microstructure of Cu50Zr42Al8 BMG during crystallization. The results show that only Cu10Zr7 phase is observed in the Cu50Zr42Al8 BMG alloy annealed at temperature below 600K. The Cu10Zr7 phase begins to form in the BMG alloy annealed at 475K for one hour, and the amount and fraction of the phase increase with increasing of annealing temperature below Tg .
出处 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期5-7,共3页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 国家自然科学基金(50371016)
关键词 Cu基块状非晶 等温退火 晶化 微观组织 Cu-based bulk metallic glass(BMG) isothermal annealing crystallization microstructure
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