在长达五百年的历史进程中,欧洲观念(The Idea of Europe)主要有三类话语形式,即"欧洲文明"观(The Ideas of European Civilization)、"欧洲统一"观(The Ideas of European Unity)和"欧洲认同"观(The Ideas of European Identity),最后一类欧洲观念是新近出现的。这些观念的具体表达内容丰富多样,充分说明了欧洲观念有着动态的变异性,这些动态的变异性出现于社会文化变迁、地缘政治和欧洲一体化的语境中。本文在欧洲文明观部分揭示了欧洲人在自我—他者关系中的意识以及对文明的认识,在欧洲统一观部分概述了不同历史时期里关于欧洲统一问题的解决方案,在欧洲认同观部分介绍了埃德加.莫兰、安东尼.史密斯和于尔根.哈贝马斯这三位当代欧洲学者的理论观点。
In the long run of the European history, the idea of Europe displays itself mainly in three forms of discourses: 'the idea of European civilization', 'the idea of European unity' and 'the idea of European identity',which find their expresssions in a variety of concrete contents,illustrating the dynamic variabilities of the idea of Europe grown out of the context of the socio-cultural changes, the geopolitics and the European integration. In this paper, the part on the idea of European civilization reveals the Europeans’ consciousness about the self-other relationships and their views on civilization. The one on the idea of European unity demonstrates briefly the scenarios for European unification in different periods of European history. And the part on the idea of European identity gives a concise introduction to the theories by three contemporary European scholars, that is,Edgar Morin,Anthony D. Smith and Jurgen Habermas.
Chinese Journal of European Studies