
论社会层面上的欧洲认同建构 被引量:7

The Construction of European Identity at the Social Level
摘要 本文认为,社会层面是"欧洲认同"建构过程中的基础领域,欧盟提出的"欧洲社会模式现代化"概念、共同体的社会政策体系,以及欧盟对于成员国社会政策领域的积极介入都具有着重要的意义。"欧洲社会模式现代化"是"欧洲认同"的核心内容,欧盟社会政策体系具有贴近人民、增强一体化的合法性的作用,而欧盟对于"欧洲公民社会权利"概念的建构正在成为社会层面上欧洲认同的新的基础。总的看来,在欧洲化进程中,欧盟在社会层面上采取的政策措施已经成为欧洲认同建构的主要方面之一。 This paper analyses the significance of the establishmet of social Europe to the construction of the European identity, stresses the importance of the EU’s impetus to modernise the European Social Model, and discusses the constructive function of European social policy framework in the emerging European identity. The author takes the concept of European Social Model modernization as the core of European identity at the social level, because it both integrates the European social values in the process of welfare state transformation and distinguishes the 'Europe' as an 'us' from the 'others' in the world. The European social policy framework is the main tool for the EU to keep close with its citizens and to increase the practibility and legitimacy of European integration process at the social level. In addition, the expanding definition and strengthening protection mechanism of European citizens’ social rights illustrate that a new European identity at the social level is growing in the Europeanization process.
作者 田德文
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期43-58,共16页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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