
蝴蝶在生境和生物小区之间的移位伴随着对外来蜜源的利用(英文) 被引量:2

Shifting butterfly habitats and biotope affiliations accompany use of alien nectar sources after deforestation
摘要 在发育成熟的温带环境中,植食性昆虫群落能迅速适应引入植物并将其作为幼虫的食物和花蜜。我们研究了经过森林砍伐的热带环境中蝴蝶对利用引入植物作为蜜源植物的适应快慢程度,并研究了蝴蝶-显花植物在新的生物小区中出现的范围,发现蝴蝶对引入显花植物的利用和探访多于本地植物,这与引入植物在调查地点、生物小区和植物丰度中的普遍性有关。此外,取食花蜜的蝴蝶和显花植物与正在形成的的生物小区有关,例如路边、农田、集约耕地以及花园。在这些新生物小区中,引入植物很重要,因为它们为蝴蝶提供了蜜源。 In the developed temperate world phytophagous insect communities are rapidly adjusting to introduced plants as larval food and nectar. In this study we investigate the readiness of butterfly species in a tropical context, experiencing relatively recent clear felling of forest, to use introduced flowering plants as nectar sources and the extent to which new butterfly-flowering plant assemblages are emerging in new biotopes. We find that introduced flowering plants are used by more species and more frequently by butterflies than native plants and that this relates to their ubiquity across sites and in biotopes and floral abundance. Moreover, distinctive assemblages of nectar-feeding butterfly species and flowering plants are associated with the emerging biotopes such as roadsides, subsistence cropland, intensive farmland, and gardens. In these new biotopes introduced plants are important in supplementing nectar resources for butterflies. We urge more intensive and detailed studies of wider resource use by native butterflies in tropical countries undergoing rapid change with deforestation to determine how butterflies are responding to emerging distinctive biotopes and the distinctive habitats, including consumer resources and utilities, these biotopes provide
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期77-83,共7页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
关键词 菲律宾 生境 花蜜 开花植物 森林砍伐 资源 蝴蝶 群落 Philippines, Habitat, Biotope, Nectar, Flowering plants, Deforestation, Resources, Butterflies, Communities
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