
赵健秀长篇小说中的政治情结 被引量:1

The Political Complex in Frank Chin's River Novel
摘要 赵健秀在其两部长篇小说《甘加丁之路》和《唐老亚》中以"民族主义文化斗士"的雄姿来批判主流社会对华裔的刻板和妖魔化,并以"书写即战斗"的方式重新塑造华裔男子形象,体现了作者强烈的政治情结和独特的政治立场。这种政治情结为消解华裔在美国的刻板形象做出了努力,也为华裔美国作家寻求身份认同和文化认同指明路向。同时,这也表现出了作者面对族裔身份的困惑与迷惘。 In Frank Chin's two river novels Gunga Din Hiway and Donald Duck, he, as a nationalist cultural warror, criticized the stereotype and devilization of Chinese Americans by the mainstream society. By reshaping the image of the male Chinese A-mericans in the way of “writing is fighting,” the works manifest the author's intense politics intention and his unique political stand, which indicates an effort to dispel the stereotype of Chinese Americans in American mainstream society, and to seek for an approach to the affirmation of Chinese American writers' national identity and the cultural identity. This political complex also displays that the author's confusion about his ethnical identity.
作者 陈为为
出处 《世界文学评论(长江文艺出版社)》 2007年第2期141-144,共4页 The World Literature Criticism
基金 国家社会科学基金<美国华人文学与中外文化>(04BWW001)的阶段性成果之一。
关键词 民族主义 文化政治 政治情结 nationalism cultural politics political complex
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