
密闭环境中温度和相对湿度对墙砖氡析出率的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Radon Exhalation Rate of Glazed Tile in Hermetic Environment
摘要 目的探讨密闭环境中温度和相对湿度对墙砖氡析出率的影响规律。方法以市售普通釉面墙砖为研究对象,在0.25m3模拟舱内,用Model1027型连续测氡仪检测不同温度和相对湿度条件下的氡浓度,计算氡析出率。结果在测定范围内,氡析出率(ER)与相对湿度(RH)符合三次函数关系:ER=0.0002RH3-0.0402RH2+2.6239RH-32.303(R2=0.9866);氡析出率(ER)与温度(t)符合三次函数关系:ER=-0.0225t3+2.0165t2-58.748t+565.05(R2=0.9698)。结论温度和相对湿度是影响墙砖氡析出率的重要环境因素。 Objective To explore the effects of temperature and relative humidity on radon exhalation rate of glazed tile in the hermetic environment. Methods Ordinary glazed tile was used as experimental object to detect radon concentration with Model 1027 continuous radon monitor in a 0.25 m^3 simulation chamber at different temperature and humidity, and then calculated the radon exhalation rate. Results In reasonable range, a cubic correlation between radon exhalation rate(ER) and relative humidity (RH) expressed as ER=0.000 2RH^3-0.040 2RH^2+2.623 9RH-32.303 (R^2=0.986 6)was found; a cubic function relationship between radon exhalation rate (ER) and temperature (t) expressed as ER=-0.022 5t^3+2.016 5t^2-58.748t+565.05 (R^2=0.969 8)was also observed. Conclusion Environmental temperature and relative humidity have great effects on radon exhalation rate of glazed tile.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期519-521,共3页 Journal of Environment and Health
关键词 空气污染 室内 密闭环境 温度 相对湿度 析出率 Air pollution, indoor Radon Hermetic environment Temperature Relative humidity Exhalation rate
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