目的探讨广西巴马小型猪不同年龄生殖激素水平。方法利用ELISA酶免疫试剂盒和多功能标记免疫测定系统,对不同年龄的雌雄巴马小型猪血清生殖激素浓度进行测定。结果雄性巴马小型猪血清TESTO、FSH浓度从2月龄到6月龄呈上升趋势,在6月龄时达到最大值(分别为12.2 ng±8.9 ng/mL和64.6 ng±6.1 ng/mL),6月龄后浓度呈下降趋势;血清LH浓度从2月龄到4月龄呈上升趋势,在4月龄时达到最大值(46.8 ng±12.5 ng/mL),4月龄后呈下降趋势。雌性巴马小型猪从2月龄到4月龄,血清FSH、LH、E2浓度都呈现出显著升高趋势,到4月龄时达到最大值(分别为51.9 ng±54.0 ng/mL,23.2 ng±31.6 ng/mL,79.3 pg±93.0 pg/mL),4月龄后又都呈现较明显下降趋势。
Objective The reproductive hormone concentrations of Guangxi Bama minipig at different age were investigated. The results showed that: (1) in male Bama minipig from two to six months serum testosterone level increases and reaches 12.2 ng ± 8.9 ng/mL at six months old, after which it decreases; from two to six months old serum FSH level increased and reached 64.6 ng ± 6.1 ng/mL at six months, after which it decreased; from 2 to four months serum LH level increased and reached 46.8 ng ± 12.5 ng/mL at four months,after which it decreased;(2)in female BaMa mini-pig, from two to four months old serum levels of FSH, LH, E2 increased significantly, and reached 51.9 ng ± 54.0 ng/mL, 23.2 ng ± 31.6 ng/mL and 79.3 pg ± 93.0 pg/mL, respectively,after which the levels of FSH, LH, E2 decreased.
Laboratory Animal Science