
交流电场对绝缘子覆冰形成的影响机理 被引量:32

Impact Mechanism of AC Electric Field on Formation of Icing on Insulators
摘要 在人工气候室内试验研究了不同类型覆冰条件下XP-160绝缘子的覆冰情况及电气特性,并根据试验结果分析了电场对绝缘子表面干、湿增长覆冰影响的机理。结果表明:电场对绝缘子覆冰的影响与环境温度、空气中过冷却水滴直径和电场强度有关。电场对覆冰影响的主要表现是焦耳热效应和几种与电晕放电相关的机理;电场对干增长覆冰影响的主要表现是电场力的吸附作用、极化作用及冰枝的电晕放电和沉积放电。 The icing characteristic and electrical property of XP-160 insulator under different icing conditions are researched in artificial climate chamber. According to the experimental results the impacting mechanisms of AC electric field on dry-growth and wet-growth of icing on insulator surfaces are analyzed. Analysis results show that the impact of AC electric filed on icing of insulators relates to the ambient temperature, the diameter of supercooled water drop and electric field strength. The impact of electric field on icing mainly represents as Joule heating effect and several mechanisms related to corona discharge; the impact of electric field on dry-growth of icing on insulator surfaces mainly represents as the absorption and polarization of electric filed as well as the corona discharge and deposition discharge of ice-branches.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期7-11,共5页 Power System Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50577070 90210026)~~
关键词 覆冰 干增长 湿增长 电晕 绝缘子 电场 icing dry-growth wet-growth corona insulator electric field
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