
多西他赛联合卡铂治疗老年非小细胞肺癌临床观察 被引量:1

Promethazine in Combination with Carboplatin for Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer in Elderly Patients: Observation of Clinical Efficacy
摘要 目的:观察多西他赛(多帕菲)治疗老年人晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床疗效及毒性反应。方法:多西他赛35mg.(m2)-1,d1,d8,d15,每次输注多西他赛之前30min应用地塞米松10mg静注,异丙嗪25mg肌注,雷尼替丁30mg静滴,卡铂400mg/次静滴,d1,休息2wk为1个周期,每28天重复。治疗2个周期评价疗效。结果:非小细胞肺癌36例,有12例患者部分缓解,在36例入组患者中有效率为33.3%,在32例可评价患者中有效率为37.5%。稳定13例,进展8例,未评价3例。主要毒性是骨髓抑制,尤以粒细胞减少为多见,Ⅲ+Ⅳ为13.2%。白细胞总数最低为2.4×109/L,在化疗后10~14天白细胞计数在最低点。其他化疗反应为乏力、恶心、食欲减退。结论:国产多西他赛治疗老年人晚期NSCLC有较好疗效,毒副反应小,价格相对便宜,是老年人治疗选择之一。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the efficacy and toxicity of promethazine in treating advanced non - small - cell lung cancer (NSCLC). METHODS: Thirty- six elderly NSCLC patients received promethazine 35mg·(m^2)^-1 on day 1, 8 and 15, and 30min prior to each infusion, patients were administered with 10mg dexamethaseone i. v, 25mg promethazine i. m and 30mg ranitidine i. v drip, and carboplatin 400mg was administered by i. v drip only on day 1, followed by pause of two weeks. The schedule cycle was repeated every 28 days. The clinical responses were assessed after two cycles of treatment. RESULTS: Of the 36 NSCLC cases, 12 showed partial remission, with an effective rate of 33.3%. The responsive rate for the 32 assessable cases stood at 37.5%. 13 were stable condition, 8 were progressive, and 3 were not given assessment. The toxicity was characterized by bone marrow depression, much as in granulopenia, with rate of Ⅲ+Ⅳ stood at 13.2%. TWBC lowered to a minimum of 2.4×10^9/L on day 10 to 14 after chemotherapy. The other adverse reactions of chemotherapy included weakness, vomiting and lack of appetite. CONCLUSION: Domestic promethazine is an effective drug for advanced non - small - cell lung cancer (NSCLC) yet with little toxicity and low price, thus serving as a choice for elderly patients with NSCLC.
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2008年第1期51-52,共2页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 多西他赛 卡铂 老年人 Non - small - cell lung cancer Promethazine .Carboplatin Elderly patients
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