
一种基于三角模糊数的多属性群决策方法 被引量:81

Multiple attributive group decision making method based on triangular fuzzy numbers
摘要 针对方案的属性评估信息和属性权重是模糊语言形式的多属性群决策问题,先将语言信息转化为三角模糊数;然后利用三角模糊数的性质,构造了集结决策者权威性和意见一致性的组合一致性指标,并在此基础上提出了一种模糊多属性群决策算法。最后,通过企业信用状态评估实例及其组合一致性指标的灵敏度分析证明了整个算法的可行性和有效性。 A fuzzy multiple attributive group decision making (FMAGDM) method based on triangular fuzzy numbers is proposed to deal with the problem of the selection of alternatives. Since alternatives' appraisal information with respect to each attribute and the weights of attributes are linguistic terms, they are firstly transformed to the triangular fuzzy numbers. Then the consensus degree is put forward to aggregate decision-makers' authority and the simi larity of opinions according to the characters of triangular fuzzy numbers, On this basis, an algorithm is presented to solve the problem step by step. Finally, this method is proved feasible and effective in the evaluation of the enterprises' credit state and the sensitivity analysis of its consensus degree.
作者 陈晓红 阳熹
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期278-282,共5页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(70631004)
关键词 群决策 模糊语言评价 三角模糊数 一致性 集结 group decision making appraisal with linguistic terms triangular fuzzy numbers consensus aggregation
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