
耐热脂肪酶产生菌FS1403的分离筛选和16SrDNA基因序列的分析 被引量:7

Isolation and Screening of Thermostable Lipase-Producing Bacterium FS1403 and Analysis of Its 16SrDNA Gene Sequence
摘要 从菲律宾火山口土样中分离、筛选获得一株产脂肪酶的耐热菌FS1403,对该菌脂肪酶的酶学性质初步研究表明:酶的最适作用温度为55℃,60℃处理1h保持70%酶活性,为中度耐热脂肪酶。酶的最适pH值为8.0,在pH7~pH10的条件下酶活都比较稳定。采用细菌16SrDNA通用引物,PCR扩增、克隆并分析了该菌的16SrDNA基因序列,同源性和系统发育学分析表明菌株FS1403与Bacillus subtilis具有最紧密亲缘关系。 A lipase-producing heavresistant bacterium FS1403 was isolated from the volcanic vent soil of Philippine. The enzymatic characteristics of the lipase from FS1403 were preliminarily studied. The results showed that the optimal temperature of the lipase was 55℃ and 70% of its activity still remained after 1 hour incubation at 60℃, which suggested that the lipase was moderate heat-resistant. The enzyme was stable at pH from 7 to 10, and its optimal pH for activity was 8. 0. The 16SrDNA gene of FS 1403 was amplified by PCR using the universal primers of bacterial 16S rDNA gene and the FS1403 strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis, based on the analysis of homology and phylogenetic of 16SrDNA sequence.
出处 《药物生物技术》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期6-10,共5页 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
关键词 脂肪酶 耐热菌 16SrDNA序列分析 Lipase,Heat-resistant bacteria16SrDNA,Sequence analysis
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