
网络化制造项目中的协同决策方法 被引量:2

Collaborative Decision Making Method for Networked Manufacture Project
摘要 在网络化应用的背景下,加强企业间的协同关系是化解分布式组织间冲突问题、提高项目整体决策水平的有效方法。由此提出了一种基于信息集成的协同决策方法。在这一方法中,将网络化企业联盟的组成界定为领导企业和从属企业,分别给出其一般性决策模型,并明确定义了协同决策过程的信息集成架构,对协同决策过程也进行了详细描述,为构建面向网络化工程环境的决策支持系统打下了理论基础。 Enhancing the collaboration between organizations of a networked manufacture project is an effective method to overcome the difficulties brought by organizational confliction, and can improve the effectiveness of decision making. Therefore this paper puts forward a new decision making method based on collaborative information integration. In the method, all organizations of the project is classified into leading category and other affiliated category, and general decision making models are put forward to these two conditions respectively. The information integration in the process of collaboration is defined, and the decision making process through collaboration is also described step by step. All above make up a theory basis for constructing a decision support system based on collaboration in networked engineering environment.
出处 《制造技术与机床》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期24-27,共4页 Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool
关键词 分布式决策 协同 决策支持系统 Distributed Decision Support Systems Collaboration DSS
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