本文研究了加载速率v对PBT拉伸断口形貌的影响,结果表明,随v的增大,试样断裂过程中裂纹扩展特征不同,断面形貌表现出由韧性断裂特征向脆性断裂特征的转变;断面平坦区比例参数AP/A0随v的增加先急剧增大,当v增大到1 000 mm/min以上时,AP/A0增加缓慢;断裂源处表面粗糙度参数RS和v呈线性关系,拟合得到的线性方程为:RS=2.10-4.72×10-4v。
The effect of loading rate(v) on the tensile properties of PBT and the analysis of the test results had been given in the paper.The results indicate that the fractography change from tenacity to brittleness with the loading rate growing.The flat region ratio(AP/A0) increase rapidly with the loading rate growing,while AP/A0 increased slowly when the loading rate was up to 1000 mm/min.The study also shows that the roughness of fracture surface(Rs) and the strain rate(v) matching the linear relationship and the linear equation is: Rs=2.10-4.72×10^-4v.
Modern Machinery