The capillary imbibition action makes wetting phas.e access throat and displaces the crude oil to fractures from matrix blocks in low permeability fracturing carbonatite reservoir, it contributes to improve this kind reservoir development effect and enhance the recovery by using the pulse water flooding and reasonable technical parameters. This paper analyses the natural imbibitiom rule and the displacement effect of pulse water injection in core of carbonatite by a good number experiments, confirms the reasonable water injection parameters. The natural imbibition displacement efficiency lower because of the low permeability in Chuanzhong carbonatite reservoir, Compare the natural imbibition, the pulse water flooding can raise the displacement efficiency 0. 608-8. 916 percent, it depend on pulse pressure, cycle time and frequency of water injection. The results can provide theoretical and technical support for this kind of reservoir in reasonable water injection mode.
Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry