In modern electronic counter measures, it' s of great importance to precisely estimate the BOA of LFM signals-a kind of LPI radar signal. A non-fuzzy and high precision DOA estimation algorithm for LFM signal is proposed in this paper, whereby the instantaneous cross-correlation of signals received by antennae is evaluated, and then the monochromatic signals are picked up with STFT. There is a unique correspondence between BOA and the frequencies of the monochromatic signals, which can be used to make an unambiguous DOA estimate. The proposed algorithm eliminates the ambiguity of multiple values that occur with a phase interferometer. And since it needs only a single baseline, the algorithm can be applied in situations where the physical size of the antenna is restricted. The performance of the algorithm was analyzed theoretically, and expressions for the precision and error of the estimation derived. Finally, a quantitative relationship between angle resolution and the real-time property of BOA was developed, and this formula is presented. Simulation findings prove the validity and effectiveness of this algorithm.
Journal of Harbin Engineering University