
成都地区正常人前牙区咬痕相关参数测量研究 被引量:1

Research of bitemark parameters of normal anterior teeth and dental arch
摘要 目的为咬痕分析提供正常人前牙及前牙弓参数的依据。方法随机抽取成都地区健康青壮年100例,采用扫描牙颌模型overlay技术-计算机辅助测量对咬痕相关的前牙区各形态学参数进行测量统计,运用偏最小二乘法(partial least squares,PLS)分析上下颌模型数据。结果获得正常人前牙(牙切嵴厚度、牙切嵴宽度、牙切嵴面积及牙角度)和前牙弓(牙弓宽度、牙弓高度、牙弓角度、牙间角度)参数数据;PLS法分析模型中距离类参数预测误差值低于0.1。结论在咬痕比对分析中只有尽可能多的找到特征点,才能提供较准确的判定结果。利用PLS法不仅可分析牙颌模型,还可对咬痕鉴定提供依据。 Objective To provide parameter data of normal anterior teeth and dental arch for bite mark analysis. Methods One hundred samples of dental models were collected from healthy youth in Chengdu area randomly. The morphological parameters of the anterior region were measured by the overlay technique scanning and the computer-aided technique. The partial least square (PLS) method was used to analyze the relationship of morphological parameters of mandible and maxilla. Results The parameter data of normal anterior teeth (including incisor ridge depth, width, area and angle) and anterior dental arch (including arch width, height and angle) were collected successfully. The error rate (press) for forecasting distance data by PLS method was lower than 0, 1. Conclusion More and more characteristics of bite mark should be collected to lead to an accurate judgment in the bite mark analysis. The PLS method can be used not only to analyze the teeth and dental arch but also to identify bite mark.
出处 《同济大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2008年第1期102-105,共4页 Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30600720) 上海市青年科技启明星计划资助项目(07QA14057)
关键词 法医牙科学 咬痕 回归分析 forensic dentistry bite mark regression andlysis
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