2Peter Schlechtriem eds., Commentaty on the UN convention on the international sale of goods, Clarendon Press, 1998, p.616.
3Peter Schlechtriem eds., Commentary on the UN convention on the international sale of goods, Clarendon Press, 1998,p.616.
4C.M. Bianca & M.J. Bonell ed., Commentary on the international sales law, Giuffre.Milan. ,1987,pp.583.
5Dionysios Flambouras,The docuines of impossibility of performance and clausula rebus sic stantibus in the 1980 convention on contracts for the international sale of goods and the principles of European contract law - a comparative analysis, in Pace international law review, 2001,Fall.
6Guenther Treitel, Frustration and force majeure,2nd edn., Sweet & Maxwell , 2004 , pp. 643 - 648.
7Peter Schlechtriem eds., Commentary on the UN convention on the international sale of goods, Clarendon Press,1998,p.611.
8Herbert Bemstein and Joseph Lookofsky, Understanding the CISG in Europe,2nd edn, Kluwer law international,2O03,p. 151.
9C.M. Bianca&M.J. Benell ed., Commentary on the international sales law,Giuffre.Milan.,1987, pp.580-581.
10John Honnold eds., Documentary history of the uniform law for international sales,Kluwer law and taxation publishers,1989,pp.349-350,p.445.