
HLA超型鉴定技术和疾病关系的研究进展 被引量:2

New advancement in identification of HLA supertype and its relationship with diseases
摘要 HLA分子可与带有相同或相似锚着残基的不同抗原肽相结合,提呈一系列含有共同基序的抗原肽产生免疫应答效应。将不同等位基因编码而结合拥有相似共同基序的抗原肽的HLA分子分为不同的家族,称HLA超型;而与HLA结合的表位肽所共有的氨基酸序列特征称超基序。近年来HLA超型的鉴定技术发展迅速,推进了T淋巴细胞免疫应答复杂机制的深入理解,为HLA超型与临床疾病的关系研究提供了支持,同时进一步发展了HLA超型在表位基因疫苗、免疫治疗中的应用。 In immune response, series of antigenic peptides can bind to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules and form antigen/HLA complexes, the complexes are further recognized by T cells. HLA alleles that share anchor residues similarity and that bind largely overlapping sets of peptides define HLA supertypes; while supermotif is the consensus motif shared by different antigen peptides, which in turn can bind to the corresponding HLA supertype. Recently, the technology of prediction and identification of HLA supertype developed rapidly, which is helpful for understanding the complicated mechanism of T -cell medi- ated immune response. It will also promote the research on the relationship between diseases and HLA supertypes ; Meanwhile, supertypes identification has direct practical implications in epitope -based vaccine development and immunotherapy.
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 2008年第2期156-158,F0003,共4页 International Journal of Immunology
基金 青海省2006年科技重点课题资助项目(2006-N-175)
关键词 HLA HLA超型 HLA超基序 HLA HLA supertype HLA Supermotif
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