
金属纳米晶存储器件数据保持能力建模与验证 被引量:1

Modeling and Verifying for Data Retention Capability of Metal Nanocrystal Memory Device
摘要 金属纳米晶存储器件具有低功耗、高速读写特性及较高的可靠性,因此近年来在非易失存储器研究领域备受关注。对比分析讨论了量子限制效应与库仑阻塞效应对金属纳米晶费密能级的影响后,发现库仑阻塞效应会严重削弱器件数据保持能力。在综合考虑金属纳米晶量子限制效应和库仑阻塞效应的基础上,提出了金属纳米晶存储器件数据保持能力分析模型,并通过与相关研究文献的实验数据对比分析,证实了本模型的合理性。 In recent years, in the field of non-volatile memory research, metal nanocrystal memory with low-power, high-speed read and write characteristics and high reliability receives much attention. By comparison on the effects of quantum confinement and Coulomb blockade on Fermi level of metal nanocrystal, it is found that Coulomb blockade could seriously deteriorate the data retention capability of metal nanocrystal memory (MNCM) device. A new data retention model was proposed considering both quantum confinement and Coulomb blockade effect. The model is verified to be reasonable comparing with experimental datum from reference papers.
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期269-271,274,共4页 Semiconductor Technology
关键词 金属纳米晶 存储器 数据保持能力 量子限制 库仑阻塞 模型 metal nanocrystal memory data retention quantum confinement Coulomb blockade model
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