Effect of micron pure oxygen in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) farming was determined in this study. The facilities of air aeration and micron pure oxygen (diameter of oxygen bubble was from 10 μm to 100 μm) were used. Three treatments, including air aeration (6 -9 mg/L), pure oxygen Ⅰ (6 -9 mg/L) and pure oxygen Ⅱ( 15 - 20 mg/L), were designed. Growth rate, survival rate and feed translation rate (FCE) were measured. The results indicated that, when dissolved oxygen concentration varied from 6 mg/L to 9 mg/L, turbots in micron pure oxygen system were higher on growth, survival rate and feed conversion efficiency (FCR) than those of air system; A farming trial was conducted to determine growth difference of turbot between pure oxygen and air system. Length growth, weight growth, survival rate and FCE were better in micron pure oxygen system than air system. The results suggested that micron pure oxygen was better than aeration in turbot farming system when dissolved oxygen concentration was from 6 -9 mg/L.
Fishery Modernization