
印染前处理工序的工艺设计及管理(一) 被引量:2

Design and management of pretreatment process
摘要 织物前处理的质量直接影响最终成品的质量和档次。文章详细分析了前处理中各工序的作用、工艺设计、工艺中的影响因素,以及产生疵病的原因和克服方法,包括坯布检验、翻布缝头、烧毛、退浆、煮练、漂白、丝光等。由于前处理是高能耗工序,介绍了目前已推广应用的多种节能措施,如采用高效节能设备,短流程工艺、冷轧堆工艺、松式丝光工艺等。低温等离子体处理技术、超临界二氧化碳处理技术、超声波技术和光辐照漂白技术等是印染前处理未来的发展方向。 Pretreatment results have directly influence on the quality of end products. This paper covers the functions, process design, impacting factors, defects and solving measures of various procedures in pretreatment, including greigy inspection, cloth turning and sewing, singeing, desizing, scouring, bleaching and mercerizing. Pretreatment demands large quantity of water and energy consumption, many popular processes with energy saving are put forward, such as shortened process, cold pad-batch process, slack mercerization and so on. Developing trends are introduced, including low temperature plasma technology, supercritical carbon dioxide technology, ultrasonic technology, as welt as photobleaching technology.
作者 徐谷仓
出处 《印染》 北大核心 2008年第5期36-39,共4页 China Dyeing and Finishing
关键词 前处理 工艺过程 产品质量 节能 环境保护 pretreatment technological process product quality energy conservation : environmental protection
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