According to the standpoint of practical aesthetics, Xu Bihui in her article questions a series of propositions of post-practical aesthetics such as the aesthetic is free existence, the construction of logical starting point for aesthetics, practice is the alienated activity in human being, the aesthetic is an elimination of the alienated activity, freedom and transcendence are the human nature, and she thinks that the advocators of post-practical aesthetics have made some deviation and mistakes about understanding and use of the basic concepts and categories of Marxist aesthetics. But from the viewpoints of post-practical aesthetics, Xu Bihui deliberately praises practice as a free human activity by these questions and criticisms, thereby belittling the pursuit of human being for freedom and transcendence, her standpoint shows the viewpoints of philosophy and history in practical aesthetics are outdated and conservative. It also gives us an inspiration that the correct ways of thinking and basic ability of logical thinking are indispensable for promoting the development of contemporary Chinese aesthetics. If we want to own the capability, firstly, we must abandon the worshipful and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism and should critically understand Marxism in the history of academic thought, and secondly, we should avoid the negative impact of Chinese pragmatic rationality, improve the ability of philosophical thinking.
Academic Monthly
practical aesthetics, post-practical aesthetics, freedom, transcendence