
促进身体锻炼行为的社会生态理论模型研究述评 被引量:6

A Review of the Social-ecology Theory on Physical Activity Promotion
摘要 身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究,身体锻炼行为研究是健康促进研究的一个重要领域。促进身体锻炼行为的研究是这一领域的重要内容。为了解释身体活动行为或者为了说明身体锻炼行为受哪些因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型,社会生态行为理论主要考察人和它所处物理环境和社会文化环境的相互关系。行为的社会生态学模型主要研究社会文化和物理环境对个体行为的影响,考虑个体在行为改变过程中的环境支持。 Research on behavior change derived from studies on promoting individuals health. Along with the ideal that physical activity promote individuals health was assured, studies on physical activity became main problems. Physical activity promotion is an important research direction. In order to explaining why individuals act in certain ways and models to guide the development and refinement of interventions that call for adults to assume a more active lifestyle, some theories about physical activity promotion were modeled. These models are profoundly influenced by intrapersonal theories, interpersonal theories, and environmental approaches. In this article social - ecology theory that were tested in practice were discussed.
出处 《福建体育科技》 2008年第1期20-22,共3页 Fujian Sports Science and Technology
关键词 身体锻炼 行为转变 社会生态行为理论 Physical Activity Behavior Change Social - ecology Behavior Theory
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