
飞行器动力学的分布式仿真方法探讨 被引量:4

Discussion on Distributed Dynamics Simulation
摘要 为了支持分布交互式飞行仿真系统的组建,基于HLA(high level architecture)设计了飞行器动力学的分布式并行计算方法。通过不同盟员个数和不同仿真推进时间步长下系统推进效率的实验分析,得出限制仿真系统推进效率的主要因素,并结合航天任务物理模型的特点,设计了一种改进的组件交互方案。实验结果表明新方案在提供较高数据更新频率的情况下,仍可采用较大的时间推进步长以取得较高的系统推进效率。 Aimed at providing dynamics simulation support for distributed mission simulation, parallel and distributed dynamics calculation based on high level architecture (HLA) was studied. Experiments were applied with variable numbers of joined federates and variable length of time advancing step. Major factors that affecting time advancing efficiency of HLA compatible distributed simulation system was concluded based on the comparison and analysis of the experiment results. Considering the characteristics of the mission, a modified component interaction method is designed and the corresponding testing result shows that the method can provides high frequency data interactions with a big time advancing step.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期211-215,222,共6页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 动力学仿真 HLA 推进效率 飞行仿真系统 dynamics simulation high level architecture time advancing efficiency mission simulation
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