
环甲膜穿刺置管术及在临床中的效果 被引量:1

Clincaal application of Puncturing-perforating and intubation Procedures through cricothyriod membrane
摘要 目的观察环甲膜穿刺-穿孔置管术的临床应用效果。方法对1998年6月~2006年1月期间,在39例常规气管插管困难患者及286例急性喉梗阻患者施行环甲膜穿刺穿孔置管术的情况进行回顾性总结分析,探讨其临床应用效果。结果所有病例均1次操作成功,穿刺和穿孔时间不超过1分钟,术中出血量不超过3ml,无1例出现皮下或纵隔气肿、食道损伤和气胸及其它严重并发症。拔管后,环甲膜穿刺穿孔置管处仅见小条索状瘢痕。结论环甲膜穿刺-穿孔置管术安全、快速、简便易行、微创而有效,可供临床选择使用。 Objective To explore the feasibility of Punctu ring-perforating and intubation Procedures through cricothyriod membrane in clinical Practice utilizing based on an observation on a group of. Methods A retrospective study was carried out among 39 cases wth difficulty in their tracheointubation in a routine Program and 286 Patients with acute laryngeal obstruction received the Puncturing-perforating and intubation Procedures through cricothyroid membrane in our Hospital from July, 1998 to January,2006,via analyzing and summing up their clinical data for exploring its feasibility in clinical utilizing. Results The operations were succeeded just with once Performance in all the cases,with the whole operating Period less than one minute,the volume of bleeding less than 3ml and nobody complicated with subcutaneous and/or mediastinal emphysema,pneumaothorax,tracheoesophageal fistula and other severe complications.Furthermore,all the wounds were heales well at stage one and just with a minimal line of scar after detubation. Conclusions Puncturing-perforating and iutubation Procedutres are safe,quick,simple and minimally invasive in operating,effective in Practical usage,and can be taken as one kind ofselectable way in clinical Pracical Practice for such conditions.
出处 《中国中西医结合耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 2008年第1期41-43,共3页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine
关键词 环甲膜 穿刺 气管插管术 喉梗阻 Cricothyroid membrance Puncturing Perforating Tracheointubation Laryngeal obstruction
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