
碳化混凝土再碱化影响因素及其耐久性研究 被引量:14

Influencing Factor of Realkalization Technique for Carbonated Concrete and Study of its Durability
摘要 通过碳化混凝土再碱化试验,对碳化混凝土再碱化影响因素及其耐久性进行了初步研究.结果表明:电流、外加电压、电解质溶液浓度以及再碱化时间对碳化混凝土再碱化有显著影响;再碱化对钢筋周围混凝土碱性的恢复以及对腐蚀钢筋的再钝化有利.研究分析了影响碳化混凝土再碱化耐久性的因素,为以后实现对碳化混凝土再碱化全寿命控制提供了试验和理论依据. According to the experiment of realkalization technique for carbonated concrete, significant effects induced by electrical current, voltage, electrolyte concentration and applied time on realkalization effectiveness were investigated. The function of realkalization technique for restoring the pH value of the concrete around the steel and making rust steel repassivated was tested. The factors affecting realkalization effectiveness are analyzed, which will provide the base for life control of the realkalization technique for carbonated concrete.
出处 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期21-27,共7页 Journal of Building Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50178050)
关键词 碳化混凝土 再碱化耐久性 试验研究 carbonated concrete realkalization durability experimental study
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